【廣宣】7月24日 「數位經濟趨勢下的機遇和挑戰」線上國際研討會




有關活動詳情、議程內容,請逕洽主辦單位之活動官網: 數位經濟發展下的機遇和挑戰 國際研討會,謝謝。



Advisory organization: International Trade Administration, MOEA
Organizer: Taiwan Coalition of Service Industries
會議時間:2024年7月24日(三)上午10:00-12:30 (GMT+8)
Date/Time: 10:00 AM-12:30 PM (GMT+8), July 24, 2024
會議形式:線上研討會(請點擊下載Webex Meetings會議軟體)
Meeting platform: Webex Meetings (Click to download)
Language: English

人類生活正急速數據化(datafication)。在電商經濟、數位轉型、淨零碳排、供應鏈重組等國際趨勢的浪潮下,數位科技的多元應用在各領域行業快速發展,故如何建構數位貿易與跨境數據治理架構、強化資安,是數位經濟時代的重要挑戰。在此趨勢下,本研討會希望從數位貿易、資料治理(data governance)和資訊安全等角度,進一步探索數位經濟帶來的機遇與挑戰,以及探索台日目前與未來合作前景與機會。

Datafication of human daily activities is fast prompted by the diverse applications of digital technology across various industries and fields under the backdrops of the booming e-commerce economy, digital transformation, zero-emission requirements, and supply chain restructuring on a global scale. Building governance frameworks to regulate digital trade and cross-border data while strengthening information security is critical and essential in the digital era. Through expert exchanges, this webinar aims to explore the challenges and opportunities the digital economy brings from the perspectives of digital trade, data governance, and information security while tapping potential collaboration opportunities between Taiwan and Japan. 
台日商務交流協進會 /台北市信義路5段5號7樓7A-13室 電話:886-2-2723-2543 / 886-2-2723-2855 傳真:886-2-2723-2315 Mail:[email protected]